Ensuring the Reliability and Security of Your Platform

Test, Control, Analyze, and Optimize Your Platform

To ensure an optimal level of performance, SEO, security, quality, etc.

We provide over twenty areas of expertise (Front End, Back End, system, mobile development, UX, UI, etc.) to ensure the quality of your platform.


Our approach is based on scheduled audits from the beginning of development or at any phase of the project to support project teams in different phases until its production.


  • Control and reduce implementation costs
  • Improve delivery times
  • Ensure the quality of deliverables and reduce bugs
  • Support teams and ensure their skills development
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If you have a platform under development or in production, we can provide a team to audit the output. The principle is to:

  • Implement an industrial and flexible process to support project teams
  • Ensure the application of standards and best practices throughout the development cycle
  • Orchestrate multiple tools to cover the entire testing scope
  • Support project teams and ensure knowledge transfer
  • Master quality, deadlines, and budget simultaneously


Our audits primarily cover the following areas

Functional & Technical



Performance and response time

SEO and content


MEDIANET, incubateur technologique, partenaire du sommet international "Startup gate summit 2021"

21 Décembre 2021

Les podcasts ou la nouvelle tendance digitale

01 Septembre 2021 Read more >