MEDIANET supports EcoPact in implementing a communication plan for a sustainable environment and an ecological future

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In a world where environmental preservation becomes crucial, Tunisia has committed to a greener future through the EcoPact Program. This initiative aims to clean up the picturesque region of Lake Bizerte. To support this extensive mission, Medianet, a socially committed ally, brings its expertise to the EcoPact Program to spread this message across the country and beyond, raising awareness among citizens about the importance of the circular economy and pollution control.

Mission Objectives

The mission of MEDIANET goes beyond simple communication management. Its ambition with the EcoPact program is to make every citizen an active participant in environmental preservation. In this perspective, Medianet is committed to adopting a 360° communication approach and has implemented a series of actions:

  • Redesign of digital presence and more accessible information: A digital transformation by redesigning the Facebook and Instagram pages of the EcoPact Program and the website. New, more attractive, informative, and engaging digital spaces have been created.
  • Online collaborative space: MEDIANET developed a collaborative space on the EcoPact website to facilitate communication between the EcoPact project and project stakeholders, fostering collaboration, information exchange, and better engagement of stakeholders in achieving the program's environmental goals.
  • Engaging Content: Medianet consistently created quality content for regular updates, using various formats such as photos, video capsules, live broadcasts, mini-reports, and interviews. This variety of content reached a wide audience.
  • Visibility at key events and organization: Medianet's team took charge of organizing several events and also ensured the presence of the EcoPact Program at Mediterranean and national events such as COP 27, thereby reinforcing its visibility.
  • Complete organization of EcoPact events: From logistics to press relations, MEDIANET took care of the complete organization of events related to the EcoPact Program, including the implementation of games and contests, as well as the printing of various communication materials to actively engage the public.

Medianet not only provides services but takes ownership of the missions entrusted to it. The Medianet team is more than just communication experts; they are dedicated partners in the success of each initiative, such as the EcoPact project that Medianet has been supporting for 3 years. Their goal is to create a positive dynamic and inspire civil society to play an active role in the EcoPact Program because every action counts for a better world.

Results and Impacts

In collaboration with Medianet, the EcoPact Program has achieved its communication objectives. Key results include:

  • Transparency and visibility: The public has been transparently informed of the progress of activities and expected results, resulting in an average annual visibility growth of 500%.
  • Civil society engagement: A dynamic engagement has been created at the local and national levels, encouraging civil society to play an active role in the program.
  • Enhanced partnerships: Links between all stakeholders have been strengthened.
  • Innovative experimentation: Medianet has experimented with various communication methods, media, and devices, paving the way for new approaches.

The EcoPact Program now has a strong and engaging online presence, thanks to a 360° communication approach adopted by Medianet.

Services implemented by Medianet for the EcoPact project include:

  • Development of the communication strategy into a communication plan and 360° actions
  • Enhancement of the Program's visibility and popularization
  • Redesign of the website, Facebook and Instagram pages of the Program
  • Regular updates of the website and Facebook/Instagram pages with content such as photos, video capsules, live broadcasts, mini-reports, and interviews
  • Assistance for the EcoPact Program at Mediterranean and national events
  • Complete organization of events
  • Production of videos for specific campaigns
  • Creation of multimedia and AIV (Audio, Image, Video) content
  • Training for civil society associations
  • Press relations management
  • Design and printing of communication tools
  • Development of a collaborative space on the website

The Project

Project Name: EcoPact

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