Innovation... Let's Dare First


A laboratory for developing innovative projects through collective innovation

MEDIANET Labs relies on expert, creative, and innovative Medianautes

Collaborative Spaces

The creation of collaborative spaces at MEDIANET fosters collective intelligence

Collaboration is our motto; we always aim to encourage Medianautes to explore their innovation potential to promote "co-leadership"

The creation of collaborative spaces at MEDIANET is a story of culture

Innovation and Creativity

Innovation is the work of humans

Coworking Space

Dedicated to sharing, exchange, and the development of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship

Coolworking Space

A cafeteria for Medianautes, also used for meetings, workshops, brainstorming, all in a "cool" atmosphere

Cothinking Space

A space for reflection, innovation, and generating new ideas!
We encourage Medianautes to explore their innovation potential