FoodStart Program: Nurturing Innovation in FoodTech Entrepreneurship.

The FoodStart program is on a mission to support the creation of innovative and high-value-added businesses. Its objective is to establish a sustainable framework for the FoodTech entrepreneurship ecosystem in Tunisia and foster collaborations between emerging businesses in the phase of developing and consolidating their activities.

Eligibility Criteria :

A crucial prerequisite is that the submitted projects exclusively focus on foodtech.

The program is open to students, doctoral candidates, researchers, and entrepreneurs with a keen interest in the foodtech industry.

Partners :

FoodStart, in collaboration with Attessia, Cochef, Express FM, Gourmandise, FFBD, Masmoudi Patisserie, Kyufi, Plan B, Magic Hotels, Scaylab, and Startup Village.

Call for Applications :

If you wish to submit an application, simply click on the provided link to access the form. We strongly encourage you to take the time to fill out the form in detail, including all relevant information to strengthen your application.

Feel free to provide any necessary supporting materials, such as presentations or different types of content that will help better understand your project.

We look forward to discovering your proposals and assisting you in bringing them to fruition.

Website Link :

To Apply :

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foodstart logo.png (68 KB)

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