Ensure the Sustainability of Your Platform

To ensure optimal protection and continuity of business activity, we implement a proactive monitoring process based on anticipation.


Regular audits are conducted using tools that continuously monitor your platform. These tools detect any malfunctions in advance, such as bugs, security threats, data loss risks, backup issues, updates, etc.


This proactive monitoring identifies improvements to be implemented in advance to:

  • Ensure the reliability of different modules and functionalities
  • Update the CMS and the language used
  • Maintain performance levels
  • Ensure availability
  • Optimize response time
  • Adapt to new versions of browsers/devices/OS
  • Verify the application of SEO best practices
  • Protect and secure the platform: HARD and SOFT security audit and certification


Technical & Functional Audit

UX & Ergonomic Audit

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W3C Accessibility

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Content Audit

Performance and SEO Audit

CMS Versioning Audit

Les podcasts ou la nouvelle tendance digitale

01 Septembre 2021 Read more >

MEDIANET, incubateur technologique, partenaire du sommet international "Startup gate summit 2021"

21 Décembre 2021